Ukiyone is home to many unique artists and musicians.
In addition, we have a team of professional creators from all genres and fields related to music.
We are a professional team of sophisticated musicians covering all genres.

Ukiyone is looking for a wide range of creators, artists, and performers, regardless of experience.
We look forward to receiving applications from all enthusiastic applicants.
Creators & Artists
We are looking for all kinds of talents, including lyricists, composers, track makers, producers, arrangers, DTMers, Vocaloid producers, solo singers, bands, players, vocal directors, voice trainers, engineers, and more. Please check the following before applying. 《Eligibility》 ・Those who are not under contract with a specific production, record company, music publisher, etc. ・Minors must have parental consent. ・Both experienced and inexperienced people are welcome to apply. ・Nationality/place of residence does not matter. Even those who live far away are welcome to apply. [If applying via Contact] Please fill out the necessary information below and send it to us. We will accept applications even if they only include the URL of their SNS account where you can check your singing/performance videos, production audio, etc., or the upload link of their work. 01. Name 02. Furigana 03. Name of artist/creator (optional) 04. Place of residence (prefecture) 05. Daytime contact details 06. Age (optional) 07. Social media account URL (Instagrams, Twitter, etc.) 08. Profile (including musical history) 09. Upload link of a photo of yourself (optional) 10. Upload link of your own work such as video or audio 11. Part you were in charge of in the work linked in 10 12. Any other appealing points [If applying by mail] ・Please enclose the following and send to the address below. 01. Please fill out the required items below and submit your application materials -Required information ┣Name ┣Katakana ┣Artist/creator name (optional) ┣Prefecture of residence ┣Daytime contact details ┣Age (optional) ┣SNS account URL (※1) ┣Profile (including musical history) ┣Photo of yourself ┣Part you played in the demo work (※2) ┗Other notes 02. Submitted work (CD or memory with MP3 data such as USB) *Submitted work can be original or a copy 03. Address 1-9-6 Yutenji, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0052 Ukiyone Co., Ltd. Artist Recruitment Department/Creator Recruitment Department Notes ・After listening to the work, we will contact you if we decide to use it. ・All submitted works will be listened to by creators affiliated with our company. ・Please note that we cannot return application materials. ・Please refrain from inquiring about the results of your application. ・Please note that all application materials you send will be managed and destroyed by our company. ・If any issues arise between a third party and the submitted work, such as infringement of rights (this includes copyright, trademark right, portrait right, and all other related rights) (including disputes and the resolution of such disputes), our company will not be held responsible and applicants will be required to resolve these issues at their own risk and expense.
We are looking for players of all kinds of instruments. We welcome musicians with a classical background as well as popular instruments. Please contact us via Contact with a self-introduction.
Vocalists, guitarists, keyboardists, manipulators, drummers, bassists, as well as string, wind and other instruments are all welcome.
We are looking for people who have the ability, motivation, and confidence in artist management, music production, branding, marketing, and PR . Qualifications for application are that you can work on planning and producing new content, and above all, that you love music. We look forward to applications from people who are interested in the entertainment business.